Big Data refers to datasets that can’t be analyzed with traditional computing. Big Data is typically stored in the cloud and processed with specialized tools that take advantage of parallel computing.
Big Data has some unique characteristics:
- Volume – Datasets can be extremely large (petabytes) and are typically stored in the cloud.
- Velocity – Data is generated, transmitted, and accumulated as a continuous data stream.
- Variety – Data comes in all forms and can be structured (database), semi-structured (JSON) or unstructured (text, imagery).
Big Data sources that can be exploited in location analytics are satellite imagery archives and IoT data.
Location Analytics connects people and their activities to places and their impact on the environment. It reveals patterns, trends and relationship that help us to understand and manage our world better.
Location Analytics offers the following benefits:
- Unlocks the ‘Where’ dimension in your data for deeper and more meaningful insights.
- Reveals what is located where, how things are related, and how this has or may change over time.
- Provides geographic context and geospatial features for advanced spatio-temporal analysis.
- Enhances data exploration, analysis, and presentation through intuitive map visualizations.
The key ingredient to Big Data and Location Analytics is data. To get you started we can help you to discover existing data within your organization or to collect data from source. We have also designed a unique service offering that incrementally adds value to your organizational data assets. It represents a data value chain with the following components:
During the plan phase a current state and gap analysis is carried out to define project deliverables, activities, and time schedule. We also validate assumptions and identify potential risks.
During the design phase we design the critical work components such as workflows, visualizations, dashboards, applications, and user interfaces in close collaboration with the end-users.
During the build phase we implement all the activities that are required to convert the designs into a working solution that meets the agreed project requirements and product specifications.
During the operate phase we help you migrate to the newly implemented solution through end-user training, technical documentation, extensive testing, maintenance, and user support.